Why Attend
- FUN! After all, isn’t the reason you entered the lifestyle, to enhance your pleasure in the bedroom? Tantra helps you discover things about yourself and your partner(s) that open up new and exciting ways to make love…
- Your heart will thank you. Understanding the connection between your heart and your juicy bits can bring more life and ecstasy to both.
- Understand what the craze is all about: Having intentional “tantric" sex isn’t some kind of “woohoo” experience where everyone sits around chanting “ohm” or staring endlessly into each other’s eyes… It really is an amazing, practical tool-chest full of ideas that can help you experience better sex!
- Healing: Have you experienced trauma related to sex in your past? Learn how to move past those blockages to bliss, and begin a path of becoming deeply and freely sexual.
- Connect with your primary partner in a deeper way. Through the exercises and discussions, even things like communication will open up, and help you both be able to satisfy each other better.
- Become a stud in bed! (ok this one is for the guys…) Learn real techniques that will change the “that was nice” to "Oh My GOD!!! What did you just do to me???!!”
- Women, learn about your body in ways you may have never known before. Yes, there are more than just clitoral or G-spot orgasms… Learn how you can have a rainbow of colors in how you orgasm: Squirting, Cervical, Uteral, multiple, etc
- Get past the "genital sneeze". Say what? you ask... Yes, too many people simply have orgasms that don’t amount to much more than a quick blip in pleasure, which is sad when so much more is available to you! Learn about your body and what it really wants!
- Get to know other like minded people. The workshops are interactive and fun! Through the time spent together, you will walk away with friends that may just become lifelong relationships as couples!
- Because you know you want to! If you read all the way to #10, the Universe has already poked your curiosity to the point that you know you need something different and life-giving to you as a couple.